Why You Should Consider Sending a Summer Kickoff Email

Jun 17, 2024

The first day of summer marks a time of warmth, fun, and new beginnings. For businesses, it’s an opportunity to connect with their audience in a lighthearted and engaging way. But is sending a first day of summer email a good idea? Let’s explore the pros and cons, along with some creative examples to inspire your next email campaign.

The Benefits of Sending a First of Summer Email

Embracing the start of summer in your email marketing can bring several benefits:

Seasonal Engagement

Summer is synonymous with fun and relaxation. Tapping into this vibe can make your emails more relatable and engaging. People are generally in a better mood as the days get longer and warmer, which means they’re more likely to respond positively to cheerful, summer-themed content. By aligning your messaging with the season, you create a sense of connection with your audience that feels timely and relevant.

Promotion of Summer Products or Services

If your business offers products or services that peak in the summer, this is the perfect time to highlight them. Whether it’s sunscreen, outdoor furniture, travel packages, or summer fashion, showcasing these items in a well-timed email can drive sales and increase visibility. You can also introduce summer-exclusive promotions or discounts to entice customers to make a purchase.

Boosting Open Rates

Seasonal emails often catch the eye, potentially increasing your email open rates. A well-crafted subject line that hints at summer fun or offers can pique curiosity and encourage recipients to click through. People love content that feels current and relevant, and seasonal emails can provide just that.

Strengthening Customer Relationships

A well-crafted, cheerful email can strengthen the bond between you and your customers, showing that your brand celebrates along with them. Sending out a first day of summer email is more than just a marketing tactic; it’s a way to connect on a more personal level. It shows that your brand is attuned to the rhythms of your customers’ lives, which can foster loyalty and trust.

Driving Social Media Engagement

Encourage your email recipients to engage with your brand on social media by sharing their summer experiences or participating in summer-themed contests. This can increase your online presence and create a community of engaged customers who interact with your brand beyond the inbox.

Cross-Promoting Content

Use your first day of summer email to cross-promote other content, such as blog posts, videos, or events that are summer-related. This not only provides value to your audience but also drives traffic to other areas of your digital presence.

Showcasing Brand Personality

Summer is a great time to show a more relaxed and fun side of your brand. Incorporate playful elements like vibrant colors, fun graphics, and casual language to resonate with the summer spirit. This can make your brand more relatable and memorable.

Potential Drawbacks of Sending a First Day of Summer Email

While there are clear upsides to sending a summer-themed email, it’s essential to consider the potential pitfalls:


If your business or audience doesn’t have a strong tie to summer activities or themes, the email might feel forced or irrelevant. For instance, if you run a tech company or a B2B service that doesn’t naturally align with summer fun, your audience might not connect with a seasonal theme. In such cases, your email might come off as disingenuous or out of touch, which can alienate your customers rather than engage them. Always assess whether a summer theme genuinely fits your brand and audience before diving in.


Summer-themed emails are popular, and your message could get lost in the wave of similar emails. During the summer months, inboxes can become flooded with promotional emails from various brands, all leveraging the seasonal excitement. To stand out, your email needs to offer unique value or a creative twist that distinguishes it from the crowd. Otherwise, it risks being overlooked amidst the deluge of summer marketing messages.

Execution Risk

A poorly executed theme or lack of creativity can make the email feel bland or uninspired. Simply slapping a summer label on your usual content won’t cut it. Without thoughtful design, engaging content, and a clear connection to the summer theme, your email might fall flat. This can lead to lower engagement rates and might even damage your brand’s reputation for quality and creativity.

Audience Fatigue

Sending too many themed emails can lead to audience fatigue. If your subscribers are constantly bombarded with themed emails, they might start tuning them out. Balance your themed emails with other types of content to keep your audience engaged and interested.

Cultural Sensitivity

Be mindful of diverse cultural contexts and avoid themes or imagery that could be seen as insensitive or exclusionary. Summer means different things to different people, and not everyone may celebrate or experience it in the same way. Ensure your content is inclusive and considerate of your entire audience.

Timing and Relevance

Consider the timing of your email. If your summer-themed email arrives too early or too late, it might not resonate as intended. Plan your email campaign to align closely with the actual start of summer or significant seasonal events to maximize relevance.

Tips for Mitigating These Drawbacks

  1. Know Your Audience: Ensure that a summer theme is relevant to your audience. Conduct surveys or analyze past campaigns to gauge interest.
  2. Stand Out with Creativity: Invest time in crafting a unique and engaging message. Use creative visuals, interactive elements, and compelling storytelling to capture attention.
  3. Balance Your Content: Don’t rely solely on seasonal themes. Mix in valuable, non-seasonal content to keep your audience engaged and prevent fatigue.
  4. Test and Optimize: A/B test your summer-themed emails to determine what resonates best with your audience. Use the insights to refine your strategy.
  5. Be Inclusive: Use inclusive language and imagery that resonates with a broad audience, ensuring your message is welcoming to all.

Tips for Crafting the Perfect First Day of Summer Email

  1. Catchy Subject Line: Make sure your subject line is enticing and hints at the summer theme. Something like “Welcome Summer with Our Hot Deals!” can grab attention.
  2. Clear Call to Action: Whether you want your customers to shop, read, or engage on social media, make sure your call to action is clear and compelling.
  3. Personalization: Personalize your emails to make them feel more relevant. Use customer names and tailor content based on their past purchases or preferences.
  4. Use Vibrant Visuals: Incorporate bright colors, fun images, and summer-themed graphics to capture the essence of the season.
  5. Offer Summer Promotions: Consider including a special summer discount or promotion to incentivize purchases.
  6. Keep It Light and Fun: Use a casual, upbeat tone to match the relaxed summer mood.

Examples of Effective First Day of Summer Emails

summer email example 1
summer email example 2
summer email example 3
summer email example 4

Wrapping Up

Sending a first day of summer email can be a great way to engage with your audience, promote relevant products, and boost your email open rates. By focusing on vibrant visuals, relevant content, and a lighthearted tone, you can create a memorable and effective summer email. Just ensure that your message aligns with your brand and resonates with your audience to avoid the potential pitfalls.

Need more inspiration on template designing, check out our Idea Inbox subscription it is perfect if you’re looking for email templates to make your life easier each month. Each month, we drop 3 email templates that are 90% of the way done, ready to convert, designed like the big brands, and ready for you to plug and play.

You click here to grab a free Canva & Figma template and check out the Idea Inbox for making email creation 10x faster!



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