5 Email Automations Every Ecommerce Brand Needs

May 3, 2024

For e-commerce brands, standing out is more challenging than ever. Finding a way to connect with the diverse customer base and handle the sheer volume of emails sent daily is an ever-growing juggling act that can leave any brand feeling stuck and overwhelmed. This is where automation steps in, allowing e-commerce brands to streamline and enhance the email experience for both the brand and the customer. In this blog, we will dive into what email automation is, why it’s important, and five key automations we recommend every e-commerce brand utilize to get the most out of their email marketing experiences.

What Is Email Automation?

Email automation is the use of software to send targeted emails to subscribers or customers based on their actions, preferences, or certain triggers. Instead of manually crafting each email, e-commerce brands can set up a series of emails that automatically get sent when specific requirements are met. Think of automation as a personal assistant who knows exactly when to send customers the best message needed to capture their attention. 

Why Is Email Automation Important?

Email automation isn’t just a nice thing to have- it is actually quite a necessity for e-commerce brands. Email Automation allows for time-saving and personalization to connect with each customer and encourages constant engagement. 

Efficiency and Time-Saving: Manually sending out emails for every customer interaction, especially to large subscriber lists, can be time-consuming and near impossible. Automation allows e-commerce brands to set up email sequences once and let them run independently, which frees up time to work on other tasks such as one-on-one client engagement and more active customer support. 

Personalization: Automation tools help send personalized emails based on various customer actions, such as purchase history, location, and behavior. This segmentation makes sure that every customer gets personalized content that resonates with them, which in turn leads to higher engagement rates.

Consistent Engagement: Lack of engagement leads to fewer sales and lower customer involvement with your brand. It can even imply that the customer’s interests aren’t being considered, resulting in decreased brand loyalty and fewer referrals. Automation ensures that emails are sent out frequently, whether it’s a welcome email for new subscribers or a follow-up for post-purchase. Providing regular engagement helps keep the brand at the top of the customer’s mind and increases the likelihood of positive stories in reference to the brand’s personality. Companies that use marketing automation see 53% higher conversion rates; this shows that email automation not only saves time but drastically improves engagement, conversions, and revenue.

Welcome Series Flow

Making a positive first impression with your customers is vital for e-commerce brands to thrive. A welcome series introduces new customers to your brand and sets the stage for future interactions. Welcome the customer to your brand, then provide some insight into your brand, what products you bring to the table, and end with encouraging a purchase by adding a discount.

The first interaction with a new customer sets the tone for the relationship’s future. Through a thoughtful welcome series, your ecommerce brands has a golden opportunity to introduce yourselves, establish trust, showcase offerings, and pave the way for a long-lasting relationship. Never underestimate the power of a warm welcome!

Need help making a great first impression? Check us out on Facebook at Email Marketing BFF; our free Facebook community is crammed full of informational videos, free templates, and live workshops- all to help your email marketing stand out in the competitive industry. 

Post-Purchase Automation

Once a customer makes a purchase because of your awesome welcome email, now it’s time to cement your relationship. Post-purchase automation can include a thank-you note, care instructions for the products, and the opportunity to cross-sell or up-sell products. Post-purchase automation keeps communication going and strengthens the customer’s decision to buy from you. This is also a great time to ask for reviews or feedback on your products and your customer experience.

By encouraging and inviting client input, you open up avenues for enriching your brand’s credibility tenfold. The information from that feedback can even serve as a database to pull content that can be used in other email campaigns or on your brand’s social media platforms as social-proof content!

Abandoned Cart Flow

 Did you know the average cart abandonment rate across all industries is 69.57 percent? With the percentage being so high, the process of securing sales can feel like an Everest situation for e-commerce brands. Not to worry – with a little nudge and the right email, you can still get potential sales! Abandoned cart reminder emails can serve as that little buzz of encouragement the customer needs to go back for what they dropped. By reminding someone of what they left behind, offering discounts, or presenting social proof like positive reviews and pictures, you can successfully entice the customer to come back and complete their purchase. This automation can recapture lost revenue and emphasize the message to your customers that you truly value them.

Win Back Flow

It’s common for customers to drift away over time, but that doesn’t mean you’ve lost them forever. After 90 days, a customer begins to lose interest in your brand; we don’t want that! Putting together a win-back email series can target customers who haven’t engaged with your brand or made a purchase in a while and remind them of what a great brand you have. You can draw them back to your brand by showcasing new products, offering discounts, and presenting rave reviews from new and old customers alike. The goal is to rekindle their interest and remind them of why they liked your brand so much in the first place.

Back In Stock Flow

Nothing is more disappointing than being ready to buy that item you’ve wanted, clicking through a website find it and, right as you get excited to hit “add to cart”, seeing that dreaded “out of stock” notification pop up and dash your hopes. We know you know your customers experience this too. Don’t worry, though! By setting up “Back In Stock” email alerts, you not only keep your customers informed – you can also tap into one of a marketer’s best friends: FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). Use back-in-stock email automation to add a sense of urgency, suggesting that even though the item is back in stock, qualities are limited and to grab it before it’s gone again.

When email marketing automation is executed correctly, it can become an e-commerce brand’s greatest tool. By incorporating these five automated email strategies, your e-commerce brand can foster deeper connections with your customers and navigate the competitive e-commerce landscape with ease. Email marketing is more than just sending emails; it’s about sending the right ones at the right time.
If your e-commerce brand needs help implementing these automation examples into your email marketing, Spark Bridge Digital is here to help.

Visit our website to schedule a free 30-minute consultation where we will do a run-through of any huddles or problems your e-commerce brand is facing and discuss the best ways to fix them!



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